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Gestern ist das neue Minecraft Update erschienen, seit heute läuft unser Minecraft Server ebenfalls auf dieser Version!
Kurz zusammengefasst die Wichtigsten Änderungen:
Der Offizielle Changelog:
+ Added a beacon
+ Added flower pots
+ Added item frames
+ Added anvils
+ Added cobblestone walls
+ Added pumpkin pies
+ Added carrots and potatoes
+ Carrots can be put on a stick to control pigs while riding
+ Added a boss mob
+ Added a new skeleton type
+ Added witches
+ Added bats
+ Added mob heads that can be placed
+ Zombies now infect villagers, but can also be cured
+ Added wooden button
+ Items can be cloned with the “pick block” action in Creative Mode
+ Items can be quickly moved to the hotbar by pressing 1 through 9 while hovering an item
+ Added /difficulty, /spawnpoint, /weather, /gamerule and /clear commands
+ Added “target selectors” for commands
+ Added option to hide capes
+ Added option to toggle vertical synch
+ Added customization to superflat worlds
+ Minor additions to the world generator
+ New potion recipes
+ Leather armor can be dyed
* Maps now start more zoomed in, and can be extended
* Redstone repeaters can now be set into a “locked” position
* New sound effects
* Portals to the Nether can now transport items and mobs
* Adventure mode now allows placing and removing blocks, but only when using the correct tools
* Changed method of placing sideways wood logs
* Improved server list
* Improved debug (F3) options
* Spawn protection is now automatically disabled if there are no defined admins
- Removed Herobrine
Viel Spaß beim Erkunden wünscht
Nintendo Direct: Nintendo Switch 2 Mi Apr 02 @15:00 |
Dieser Clan verfügt über einen eigenen Minecraft Server!
Einfach euren Minecraft Namen mit in das Profilfeld eingeben und ihr könnt den Server betreten!
(Falls es Probleme damit gibt, einfach in der Box melden!)
Last Update: 25.05.2015
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Teamspeak 3 Serveradresse wie Websiteadresse |
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Minecraft v. 1.17.1 (Amplified Modus) |